The Met Police and Jews

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The Met Police and Jews

Post by Vespa »

This video has been bouncing around the Internet.

Essentially a Jewish man carrying a bag with the star of David on it and a kippah rocked up to a Gaza protest and the police stopped him crossing the road. Probably worth pointing out that Jewish people are in those marches and Jews in Israel are also protesting Gaza.

Several cops stop him and tell him he can't cross the road until the protest has passed. It's pretty obvious they are worried some idiot will cause trouble. Oddly they let this fuckwit turn up and say he'll follow the Jewish dude around. I don't really understand why they let him interfere.

It's pretty obvious this guy and his mates turned up to film a confrontation but the basic truth is he wasn't breaking the law he should be allowed to roam London as he wanted. Sadly that isn't the way the world works. The police ask him to leave and having no powers to remove him start to threaten to arrest him as causing a breach of the peace. Which is odd because the officer claims he'd need to do to stop him being attacked, which means he'd be victim of a BoP not arrested for it.

Anyway it goes on social media and the Met then apologised twice. They had to retract the first one because they'd basically suggested he'd turn up to be punched in the face.

The original statement had the classic lines:
In recent weeks we've seen a new trend emerge, with those opposed to the main protests appearing along the route to express their views.

The fact that those who do this often film themselves while doing so suggests they must know that their presence is provocative, that they're inviting a response and that they're increasing the likelihood of an altercation.
This had a predictable response so the Met deleted it and issued a new one.

I've been on protests and even arrested on them. I know the Met can be a bit shit on them because frankly they don't understand the powers they have, not helped by governments adding shitter powers on top of them. This guy turned up as a counter protest and the Met fell into his trap. But why are the Met so shit at PR.

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Re: The Met Police and Jews

Post by StirlingCastle »

Loads of Jews on Palestinian marches

This Gideon fella was agent provacteur. Apparently his history is that of a trouble maker. Andrew Neil and Julia Hartley the racists seem to be outraged.

Fucking good!

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