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BT Sport: Is it just me?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:51 am
by VeritasVincit
Is it just me, or do BT try to inject controversy into every goal they show; looking back to find the slightest nudge half a dozen passes previously, or the merest suspicion of the ball being close to a hand. etc. Then going on about it for the rest of the match.
Though I suppose, having paid for an ex-referee to sit watching the game, with all the technology at his disposal, they have to give him something to do.

Re: BT Sport: Is it just me?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 9:02 am
by Singing The Blues
They need to hire more ex-Liverpool players as pundits. That would fix it. Same applies to Sky.

Re: BT Sport: Is it just me?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:36 am
by deisegirl
It's not just you.

Re: BT Sport: Is it just me?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:18 pm
by finchman
Watching Arry watching football, fucking riveting.

Re: BT Sport: Is it just me?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:09 pm
by deisegirl
Arry and Savage aside I would prefer to have BT Sport's around the grounds offering on in the background than Sky these days. But they were doing a tortuous "you are the ref" quiz at half time today. Down with that sort of thing.

Re: BT Sport: Is it just me?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 10:57 pm
by black_guardian
Jake Humphrey tries to "up the drama" level with no visible effect whatsoever - but what do you expect from someone who still acts like a kiddie TV presenter and is way out of his depth with each new sport he covers. He was just as bad with Formula 1 which is why he got dumped after one year.

Still remember him shitting himself in that red arrows ride for the Royal wedding/Queen's jubliee shitfest. Thought the fucker was going to black out on live TV but we weren't that lucky.