Sexism complaint

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Re: Sexism complaint

Post by warmleatherette »

subsub wrote:
warmleatherette wrote:Here is an email forwarded from a supermarket head office to site, I'm wondering if it's a genuine complaint or a viz letter, what do we think?

“Dear ####

I have just walked past the #### store in ####

It's currently closed for refurbishment and there was a group of workmen in yellow hi-vis standing outside the front of the closed store having their break smoking e-cigarettes etc.

I am absolutely disgusted to say that I overheard one of them say to a passing woman "good afternoon love" while his fellow workmen congratulated him with inappropriately placed pride/bravado.

I had wrongly assumed that building site sexism would 1) have ceased to exist in this day and age, or at the very least 2) be forbidden by ####

I am a fellow construction industry professional and I would not expect this to happen on a properly managed construction site.

I look forward with expectation to hearing your opinion on this matter.

Thanks in advance #####

Names and places removed as they are taking it seriously..

I know who the "sexist" is, he's a Brummie and he literally said what was stated with a smile, the store is in the south, I'm wondering if it's a north south divide thing that has enraged the snowflake because he's not used to people saying hello to strangers?
Sounds like a piss-take to me.
Nothing wrong with using 'love' in my book, although I know some women have a problem with it.
All depends on the tone with which it was said.
It's the way it's in inverted commas as if those words were somehow offensive that's grinding my gears, reading it I was waiting for the "whilst using his cock as helicopter" punchline but no, this is for real, he's apparently asked for an update on what disciplinary actions have been taken, I'd love to have his email address :-)
Brilliantly Honest

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Re: Sexism complaint

Post by colinthewarriormonkey »

Is it harassment - doesn't sound like it, but then you don't know how many times she's had to put up with similar comments, so it can probably get quite wearing.

I like this video, it shows how a woman can get harassed, but in this instance, she gives some back.

"The Cunt's Cunt."

"One desperate shithouse"

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